😀 Hello there, I’m Maggie!

I’m currently a PhD student in the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Speech and Language Technologies and their Applications, at the University of Sheffield, UK. My research focuses on understanding idiom processing in large language models, with a broader interest in the intersection of human language processing and computational models. Perhaps along the way, I can uncover insights into how we process language and how language itself works.

Prior to my PhD, I completed my Undergraduate degree in Linguistics from the University of Lancaster. It is there, I was introduced to the fascinating field of computational linguistics. This exposure sparked my passion for exploring the intersection between human processing and modelling complexities of human language and cognition, which still very much shapes my research today.

Research Interests

My research interests are typically concentrated on exploring semantics in LLMs, in particular, I’m drawn to: 1) Pretraining, Interpretability, Memorisation in models when encountering idiomatic expressions. 2) Cognition of humans and language models. 3) What is learned by computational models of language?


Let’s Connect!

I’m always up for collaboration and discussing ideas. Feel free to drop me an email if you would like to chat.